We became members of Species360

We are pleased to announce that we have joined the international organization Species360. Species360, formerly ISIS (International Species Information System), was founded in 1974, It is an American non-profit non-governmental membership organization that maintains an international animal database, ZIMS (Zoological Information Management System), as there are five modules for different Read more…

Veterinary check

Wildlife veterinary medicine requires expertise. But in general, the requests for wild large carnivores are the same as for domestic dogs and cats – vaccination, deworming, sterilization, treatment and prevention of a certain range of acute and chronic diseases. But the secret, as always, is in the nuances. This is the Read more…

Visit to LAV

We are incredibly grateful to our Italian LAV colleagues for supporting our project and inviting us to visit their organization. We saw the incredible work of the rehabilitation centre, the rescue team, and the various departments united by the mission to help animals. This is a unique experience and an Read more…

Limbs For Liberty visit

Today, September 25, 2023, our White rock Bear shelter was visited by the wonderful Limbs for Liberty team, Kelli and Kreston Rohrig from Colorado, USA. They help Ukrainians who lost limbs due to the war to get prostheses and rehabilitate. We are proud to meet you!

Myhasyk (c) Darina Matasova


Myhasyk was born in January 2014 in an unknown place and was sold to private individuals. Myhasyk was a contact toy to entertain visitors at a restaurant complex in the Khmelnytsky oblast. While he was small and defenceless, everyone was happy to contact him. People loved to take a photos Read more…