Myhasyk was born in January 2014 in an unknown place and was sold to private individuals. Myhasyk was a contact toy to entertain visitors at a restaurant complex in the Khmelnytsky oblast. While he was small and defenceless, everyone was happy to contact him. People loved to take a photos or pet a baby. It doesn’t matter if he wants to rest or to be with his mother. And when he grew up and became dangerous, he was locked in a metal box four square meters in size. He lived there for the next few years – without a pond, without a den, walled up in the darkness of metal boxing when there is cold and heat. Bears do not tolerate captivity and usually begin to show stereotypical movements, are nervous, and even damage themselves. Myhasyk chose another way of resistance. He fell into apathy and refused to live. Visitors to the restaurant saw a bear that had been sitting all day, staring at the wall and showing no interest in life. He began to refuse food. People began to complain and the owners decided to transfer the animal to a rehabilitation centre. We immediately agreed.

Myhasyk came to us on 14.09.2017 and his new life began at the age of 4.5. The first week he was afraid to leave the adaptation box and go to the enclosure. He looked at the pond and the grass, but he was so used to living in a confined space that he could not imagine what it was like to walk under the sky. And then he decided and began to explore the enclosure. He especially enjoyed swimming. Myhasyk was sterilized and treated by veterinarians. After rescue tests showed problems with the liver and stomach. So vets set his diet and maintenance drugs. A year later, we rescued Lyubochka and we decided to socialize them. Gradually, they met and began to live together. In 2020, they moved to Kyiv with other bears and settled together again. They spend the winter together, play together, and swim together. And when and what they do together – Lyuba decides. And Myhasyk completely trusts her.

Later, we will update Myhasyk’s page so you can learn more about his story.