2023 is coming to an end.

This year was difficult for the whole country. And for our organization as well. Nevertheless, we worked actively.

Among the main achievements:

???? Cooperation with the Italian fund LAV to improve our qualifications, share experience and organize additional financial and technical opportunities for our White rock Bear shelter. We visited the LAV rehabilitation centre and learned something new.

???? Cooperation with Leo Burnett Ukraine, thanks to which we received a new brand book for the Fund and the Shelter.

???? Cooperation with the American International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), thanks to which we are building additional pavilions for bears and cages for transporting bears in our Shelter, and we also implemented the translation into Ukrainian with the financial support of IFAW of the monograph «Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation”, which will soon be available common among fellow rehabilitation centres.

???? Cooperation with the playduck team, who tirelessly support us.

???? We acted as co-organizers of the Conference «Rescue and Rehabilitation of Wild Animals in Ukraine» in  «BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr», the participants of which signed an important resolution.

???? Worked with the media, gave interviews, developed our website and actively maintained pages on social networks and YouTube to spread messages of humanity towards wild animals and development of the field of rehabilitation.

???? The Vikhola publishing house published a book by Maryna Shkvyria, a UBO of our Fund, «Predatory Chronicles: How Bears, Lions, and Wolves Hunt, Love, and Enmity» about predatory animals.

???? Conducted more than three hundred educational tours for visitors to the White Rock.

???? We adopted the rescued grey wolf Dora and are rehabilitating her before sending her to Europe.

???? Three veterinary examinations were carried out, including surgery and dental treatment. And we got our own X-ray equipment thanks to TierarztpraxisSaLu and Examion Gmbh.

The project is ongoing. We will help animals no matter what. Thank you to everyone who supports us and supports Ukraine.

See you in 2024!