Charter on the Law of the Living, adopted on May 26, 2021, is part of a trilogy formed by the Toulon Declaration, adopted on March 29, 2019, and the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, adopted on July 7, 2012, which state that animals who possess the neurological substrates that generate consciousness must be recognized as subjects of law.

International version of the document in French, English and Italian

Observing the decline of Nature and the extinction of thousands of species induced by the Anthropocene.

Acknowledging, as part of an evolutionary logic, the filiation among species and the relations that exist among them within the community of the living.

Highlighting the fact that this community encompasses visible and invisible beings, which are closely intertwined in a shared history and fate.

Being convinced that the law must accompany the paradigm shift regarding the perception of the living.

Considering the importance of the development of Earth Jurisprudence.

Pointing out that, according to the majority of the positive laws of the States, only legal personality entitles a person to have rights.

Pointing out that human beings are, in a legal sense, natural persons.

Considering the Declaration on the legal personality of animals issued on March 29, 2019, known as the Toulon Declaration, which states that “reflection on biodiversity and the future of the planet must include non-human natural persons”.

Asserting the necessary evolution from a law “over” the living to a law “of” the living.

Concerned about ensuring (and wishing to ensure) sustainable, reasonable and balanced development for present and future human and non-human generations.

We, citizens of the Earth, jurists of the living, proclaim this Charter.

Section 1. Objectives, principles and interpretation keys

In order to attain harmony among human beings, animals, and Nature, this Charter aims to integrate the different legal systems worldwide, so as to establish for the future the principles and interpretation keys of the law of the living.

Section 2. Recognition of previous rights

This Charter recognizes rights of living beings which are prior to positive laws.

Section 3. Precedence of the living over any other consideration

The interests of human beings and of the other animals, as well as the integrity of ecosystems, must be prioritized.

Said interests may only be affected exceptionally, measuredly and extraordinarily.

Section 4. Balance and regeneration of life cycles

Social, economic, legal, technological or any other kind of developments, whether individual or collective, must be guided by the search for a fair and viable balance within the community of the living, being careful to preserve and regenerate their life cycles and processes.

Section 5. Integration of non-anthropocentric data in the law of the living

All non-anthropocentric advances must be taken into account by the law of the living to promote proper legal dynamics and to preserve the future of Mother Earth and those who are embraced by her.

Section 6. Criteria of the living and the rights of non-human persons

It is necessary to widen each legal system, based on the criteria of the living, as well as the notion of natural persons, to include the above mentioned non-human persons.

Specific and appropriate positive rights, different from those attributed to human persons, must be recognized with respect to the principles arising from this Charter.

The Charter was proclaimed by Lorena Bilicic, Caroline Regad, Cédric Riot, Experts of the United Nations, Harmony with Nature Programme.

A copy of this document is included in the archives of the United Nations – Harmony with Nature Programme.